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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Holiday Mood!

Wohoooo!!!we're going to Kuala Tembeling Resort tomorrow...So before we all pegi..i nak review skit bout this place...Actly bunyi cam tk familiar with this place,tp bile google cam lawa gak tempat ni...ala2 privacy skit..kali ni kiter bukan pegi berdua ye.. :) husband nk bwk Mil & Fil's ber holiday..since diaorg dah lame tk g holiday jauh2...last time kiterorg g last year kat A'famosa Resort... so this time buat pertama kali nye husbandku apply dgn Maybank kot2 dpt hotel murah..sblm ni dia tk penah apply...ape dah!! dah keje kat 10 thn ngan Maybank tp x penah nk grab benefits yg company kasi..hmm...actly dia mintak byk tempat tp,yg dpt kat Kuantan..so kire ok la...esok kiter akn pegi beramai termasuk mama,ayah,me,dear,abg & kids with tok mek's but...unfortunately kak wie x leh join sbb dia g UK..and.....hopefully la ayed & nina pun dpt ikut skali..bukan ape, ayed susah skit nk cuti lgpun dia br start keje.. within 1 months dia dah ambik 3x cuti since nina pregnant nie..Ayed ckp tgk cam mane la..maybe dia nk curi2 monteng ke..kihkihkih!

Ok Cite punye citer...kiter view skit gmbr2 Kuala Tembeling Resort tu..

Selebih nye..kiter lihat next blog lebih details...
'Happy Weekends' Everyone! :)
P/s : tp dalam hati masih kerisauan..sbb tahu mami belum betul2 sihat..tp nak buat cam mane dah lame plan kan...ya allah..bg la mami sihat secepat mungkin sprt sedia kala..amin...